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PR:Vietnam - Charlie's Point (7 October, 1800PRT)

Vietnam will receive various updates in PR v1.0. One of these updates is a new map, Charlie's Point. This map has been ported over from Eve of Destruction and has undergone a little make-over: new overgrowth, larger playable area, different assets, terrain fixes, etc.

We'd like you to try it out, see if you like it. Help us improve the gameplay and above all, have LOTS of FUN!

PR:Vietnam Charlie's Point Beta

7 October, 2012 at 1800PRT

What you'll need for the test event:

In order for Charlie's Point to work correctly, we had to change some "core" files as well. In the end it was much easier to just create a whole new Vietnam installer: one to rule them all! This will be the final Vietnam installer for PR v0.97.

*** uninstall any previous installs of Vietnam ***

Client Installer



Server Details

The event is hosted by [762] and will be held on the following server:

[762] PR Germany: Vietnam Final

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